Palestine/Israel Resource Directory:
A Guide to Learning, Taking Action, & Centering Palestinian Voices
Use this resource to find further resources for learning about the Israeli-Palestinian Crisis and how you can take action.
This is NOT a paid partnership. At Eager, we create directories for further learning because we believe in the importance of ongoing learning around social justice issues, whether they come from us or elsewhere, and we believe in the importance of amplifying organizations doing great work. None of the resources provided below have paid to be listed here.
If you see something missing from this list and would like to recommend additions, please get in touch and let us know!
This directory was compiled by Francesca Scotti-Goetz.
History and Information:
Palestine - History, Religion & Conflicts - HISTORY
Detailed explanation of history, current state, and relations
*Eager Network does not support the use of the word “conflict” to describe the relations between Palestine and Israel, as it implies that there is a general balance of power, with both sides having a path to a beneficial outcome, rather than a military occupation and settler conquest of a historic state and people, by a potent and heavily armed/allied settler state.*
Comprehensive information about the towns that were “ethnically cleansed, looted and destroyed by the Israeli army.” At each town's homepage, you find pictures, the current status of the town, the Israeli colonies that occupy the lands, a brief history, detailed accounts of acts of terror, personal accounts from refugees, and live interviews
Israel-Gaza: How much money does Israel get from the US? - BBC
· Guide to US contribution to Israel and Israeli military
If Americans Knew - What Every American Needs to Know about Israel-Palestine
“The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the world's major sources of instability. Americans are directly connected to this conflict and increasingly imperiled by its devastation. It is the goal of If Americans Knew to provide full and accurate information on this critical issue, and on our power – and duty – to bring a resolution.”
60 Minutes - Christians of the Holy Land
“The exodus from the Holy Land of Palestinian Christians could eventually leave holy cities like Jerusalem and Bethlehem without a local Christian population. Bob Simon reports.”
History of EU/Israel relations
The Prisoners’ Diaries: Palestinian Voices from the Israeli Gulag
Blood Brothers: The Dramatic Story of a Palestinian Christian Working for Peace in Israel
Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel
Palestinian Walks: Forays into a Vanishing Landscape
Witness in Palestine: A Jewish American Woman in the Occupied Territories
A Doctor in Galilee: The Life and Struggle of a Palestinian in Israel
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
Men in the Sun and Other Palestinian Stories
Gaza Mom: Palestine, Politics, Parenting, and Everything In Between
Seeking Palestine: New Palestinian Writing on Exile and Home
News reports, analyses, features, and opinion on politics, diplomacy, culture, and business in Israel, the Middle East, and throughout the Jewish world
News & Opinion about Palestine, Israel, and The United States
”Protestors Call on Biden to Defund Israel During Dearborn Ford Plant Visit” -
“US House Democrats offer resolution blocking $735 million Israel weapons sale” -
EU urged to 'stand with Israel' ahead of foreign ministers' meeting - Euronews
Can the EU help defuse tensions as Israeli-Palestinian violence escalates?
Email Your MP: End Impunity to Protect Palestinians - UK
Calls (for Action)/Statements:
Security Council calls for ‘full adherence’ to Gaza ceasefire - UN
Israel/Palestine: Statement by the High Representative Josep Borrell on the ceasefire - EU
Israel/Palestine: Statement by the High Representative on the escalation of confrontations - EU
Palestinian Civil Society Call for BDS - BDS
Kairos Statement: A Moment of Truth - Kairos Palestine
Call to Congress - Justice for All
Call to the Holy Vatican - Kairos Palestine
Reach Out to Government & Leadership:
Tell Congress: Stop Weapons sales to Israel NOW - US
Rise Up With Palestine: Tell Congress to Sanction Israeli Apartheid - US
Email Your MP: End Impunity to Protect Palestinians - UK
Stop Arming Israel: Email your MP - UK
How to Talk to your Representative about Palestinian Child Detention
Reach Out to Religious Leaders: Be a Moral Voice in Your Community
Campaigns and Initiatives:
The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories
Campaigns for an end to trade between Ireland and these illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine
Supports the Palestinian people’s struggle for justice and their call for people of conscience to join BDS campaigns
USCPR: US Campaign for Palestinian Rights
Works to create change, locally and nationally, as part of a global movement in solidarity with the Palestinian people
Works for peace, equality, and justice and against racism, occupation, and colonization. “Together we are the biggest organization in the UK dedicated to securing Palestinian human rights.”
Opposes anti-Jewish, anti-Muslim, and anti-Arab bigotry and oppression. Seeks an end to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem.
Aims to expose the public to the daily reality of the occupation and Israeli military rule over the Palestinian civilian population in the territories by publishing soldiers’ testimonies on their service in the occupied territories
Committed to fostering the principles of democracy and effective dialogue. Aims to open dialogue on final status issues, disseminate the Palestinian narrative, and support building the Palestinian state.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Ensuring that Israel, the largest recipient of U.S. security assistance, complies with federal laws and international human rights standards will require closely tracking and monitoring its weapons use.
Works to expose the occupation as a moral crisis to American Jews, end the weaponization of antisemitism in our political debate over Israel, and create political space for leaders to stand up for the freedom and dignity for all Israelis and Palestinians.
(Other Ways to) Donate:
Palestine Children’s Relief Fund
An explanation of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement
Jing a BDS Campaign
Cyclically updated reports, facts, statistics on relations between Palestine and Israel, as well as other countries and Israel.
Why You Should Support Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Against Israel
Article by Daphna Thier and Sumaya Awad educating on and encouraging support of BDS
A Quick Guide to Help Boycott Israeli Goods
This guide offers a step further than boycotting companies that support military support in Israel. It offers a step-by-step manual for boycotting products that stem from Israel.
List of companies that support the Israeli occupation of Palestine
Sign Petitions:
UK to Introduce Sanctions Against Israel
UK to Condemn Israel for Treatment of Palestine and Palestinians
UK to Formally Recognize the State of Palestine
Support Peace & Justice in Palestine -
GOOGLE: Put Palestine On Your Maps -
Defend Dr. Hatem Bazian and Palestinian Academic Freedom at UC Berkeley -
International Criminal Court to Rule on Palestinian Human Rights - Jahalin Solidarity
Stop Israel’s forced displacement of Palestinians from East Jerusalem
Center Palestinian Voices…
Follow Palestinian Organizations:
Adalah Justice Project (FB, Twitter, IG)
Defense for Children International — Palestine (FB, Twitter, IG)
We Are Not Numbers (FB, Twitter, IG)
Grassroots Al-Quds (FB, Twitter, IG)
Palestinian Youth Movement (FB, Twitter, IG)
US Palestinian Community Network (FB, Twitter, IG)
Palestinian Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel (FB, Twitter)
Palestine Legal (FB, Twitter, IG)
Buy from Palestinian-owned Businesses:
Ten Brands from and for Palestine
This directory was compiled by Francesca Scotti-Goetz, Volunteer Contributor & Lead Blogger with Eager Network.