The Team
Other Helpers & Opportunities
Behind the scenes are a team of mentors, advisors, allies & collaborators, soul siblings, and early adopters who have supported Eager’s work through feedback, guidance, and support since day one. They have been a bedrock for our work.
Thank you to Victoria Barron who has shared some of her artwork with us for our LGBTQIA+ Terminology Guide. Support Victoria by checking out her store here.
Since February 2021, we have been welcoming volunteers. Volunteer contributors are credited for their work and have the opportunity to join the team as regular contributors. We are currently looking for volunteer teachers/tutors to help out with our new mentor programme, which is in trial.
Since April 2021 we have begun trialling a mentor programme for secondary school pupils who would like to get involved in social justice education work. Pupils work with volunteer teachers to develop their understanding of their chosen topic and the skills needed to develop their idea, with the goal of getting their work to publishing level and shared through Eager.Network and/or other spaces. These eager (pun intended!) young people are amazing and what we’re all about at Eager Network!